Category Archives: Net neutrality
Two days in Rennes (at Télécom Bretagne)
Some days ago, I was in Rennes for two days, serving on a PhD committee at Télécom Bretagne. As you may know, Télécom Bretagne is the name of the engineering school that was formerly known as the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des … Continue reading
Is it ok to squeeze money out of content providers ?
Content providers are often considered as free riders by network operators, which levy charges for the use of their network to recover their costs. But such charges may seriously reduce the profitability of the content providers’ business, which relies largely … Continue reading
Network charges on content providers
Network providers time and again ask to get a share of content providers' profits. Is that position sustainable ? Our paper "How Much Can Content Providers Afford to Pay for Network Charges?" has just been published at the Sixth UKSim/AMSS … Continue reading